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Telford Police Negligence – Endangering Lives!!!


Tommy Calls Telford Police – Pleads With Them To Protect A Family From Grooming Gang Attacks!!!

In the early part of January this year members of Telford’s grooming gang criminal fraternity decided to ‘lash out’ at anyone they suspected of talking to us. Anyone suspected of helping our investigation into accusations of child rape were targeted, but it wasn’t just the survivors themselves, their families were targeted as well.

We need to be clear, accusations have been levelled at members of the Pakistani community by a number of rape survivors who don’t know each other. They named the same people being involved in child rape, prostitution, drug dealing and much more, which is why we laser focused our efforts on corroborating accusations and the names associated to those accusations.

The video above details Tommy’s conversation with Telford Police who did attend an incident reported to them, an incident involving gang members who attacked a rape survivors mothers home.

We can only assume their intention was to intimidate a survivor to the point where she would withdraw her testimony – her accounts of where and when rapes were carried out and by whom.

Tommy put a call out to get people on new years eve to come out and protect the family who were living in absolute fear for their lives. Unfortunately Telford police did little to nothing to protect them, in fact it can be argued they were happy to leave them to the wolves at their door.

Tommy’s call to protect the family was heard, volunteers turned up to ward off any further attacks.

Link here – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/tommy-robinson-40-uk-patriots-defend-victims-family-child-rape-gang/





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