Independent Journalist Danny Roscoe Joins Urban Scoop!!!


We are pleased to announce that Danny Roscoe has now joined us at Urban Scoop, the truly independent, corporate free journalist platform, by the people for the people.

Danny tackles the recent “N” word controversy after a viral video published on social media compiled a montage of Joe Rogan saying the “N” word over and over again. The montage appears to have been a deliberate attempt to take down Joe Rogan after he gave a platform to renowned medical scientists/doctors who have spoken out against vaccines and mandates.

The montage uses more than a decade of footage of Joe Rogan saying the “N” word – with no context.

On it’s face, the video looks and sounds pretty awful, however, as Joe Rogan himself has said, his use of the “N” word was published without context, perhaps deliberately so, to paint him as a racist.

Former President Donald Trump also weighed into the viral controversy saying:

“Joe Rogan is an interesting and popular guy, but he’s got to stop apologizing to the Fake News and Radical Left maniacs and lunatics. How many ways can you say you’re sorry? Joe, just go about what you do so well and don’t let them make you look weak and frightened. That’s not you and it never will be!”


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