Sophie’s Story with Sammy Woodhouse

You can find that GoFundMe link here –

In November 2023, during the early hours, Khaliz Alshimery—an illegal immigrant residing in a hotel in Oxford—followed, abducted, and sexually assaulted a young woman.

He dragged her into the grounds of St. Clement’s Church, committing the attack near the graveyard.

This appalling incident received only brief attention in the headlines at the time.

Sammy Woodhouse later interviewed Sophie and her father to uncover the profound impact of this assault on their lives.

Although Sophie’s attacker was convicted of assault by penetration and three counts of sexual assault, receiving a 12-year prison sentence, critical questions remain unanswered.

In July 2024, Sophie reached out to the Home Office, raising several concerns:
• What was known about Alshimery’s background when he was placed in the hotel?
• Why was he housed within walking distance of student areas, given his status as an illegal male migrant?
• What restrictions or controls are imposed on migrants staying at such hotels, and are curfews enforced?
• Was any intelligence reported to the Home Office regarding his illegal activities in Oxford prior to this attack?

To this day, the Home Office has not responded to Sophie’s questions.

Sophie and her father feel utterly let down by the government and those within the Home Office who failed to address their concerns.

Determined to hold the authorities accountable, Sophie’s father is now seeking legal action against the Home Office. Their goal is to demand answers, accountability, and ultimately, policy reforms. Current government practices regarding illegal migrant men of fighting age appear insufficient to protect vulnerable women and girls, especially when these individuals’ backgrounds are unknown.

Your support can help Sophie and her father pursue justice and drive meaningful change in laws and policies.

How many more young women like Sophie must suffer before this issue is addressed with the urgency it demands?

Please help them and give whatever you can afford to their GoFundMe campaign.

You can find that GoFundMe link here –

#sophie #urbanscoop #sammywoodhouse


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