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“The Rape of Britain” is a documentary series that features Tommy Robinson.
The series investigates the child grooming gangs in Telford, U.K., and brings to light allegations of police corruption and bribery between senior officers and local businessmen.
The documentary aims to uncover the depth of these grooming gangs and the systemic failures that allowed such activities to persist.
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The Telford Grooming Gangs and the Call for Justice.
In Telford, a town in the UK, a harrowing narrative unfolded over several years, revealing the extent of child sexual exploitation by grooming gangs.
This scandal, characterized by its depth of depravity and systemic failures, has ignited a national conversation on the protection of the most vulnerable in society.
These videos aim to shed light on the issue, the impact on victims, and the imperative for systemic change.
#tommyrobinson #therapeofbritain #groominggangs #telford #telfordgroominggangs
#childrape #childmilesting #childabuse #childabuseawareness #childabusesurvivor #childabuseprevention