Save Salwan

Help us in our fight for justice!

Salwan Momika
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Save Salwan Momika

Please sign our petition today to help!

Help support by signing our petition to save Salwan Momika from death!

Save Salwan Momika

Save Salwan - Help support by signing our petition to save Salwan Momika from death!

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Salwan Momika is an Iraqi asylum seeker living in Sweden. He is well known for his expression of free speech against the Islamic ideology, and now the Swedish government wants to deport him to Iraq.

If they succeed in deporting him to Iraq, that is a death sentence.

Your signature holds the power and can be a beacon of hope for Salwan, sparing him from the threat of deportation and a certain death sentence.

Together, let’s amplify our voices by presenting this petition to the Swedish embassy, advocating fiercely for this just cause.

It’s a stark reality that convicted migrant rapists and murderers can legally avoid deportation, yet a man exercising his fundamental right to freedom of speech faces certain death once he is deported to Iraq.

Stand with us in this crucial fight for justice. Every signature is a step towards ensuring the Swedish government are held to account and forced to back down, saving Salwan’s life.

The entire team at Urban Scoop is rallying our dedicated supporters to aid a man facing what amounts to a death sentence simply for expressing his freedom of speech.

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